Monthly Archives: February 2011

She’s Here!

Testing…testing…this thing on?

Just wanted to peek out of my hiding place to make a little announcement…

…our precious baby girl has arrived!

Baby N arrived on Tuesday, February 8 at 10:29 a.m. She weighed in at 6 lbs, 10 oz, was 20 inches long…and is basically the sweetest baby in the world (in case you were wondering). 🙂

She and I have spent much time bonding, and I am in love with my sweet little lovebird!

The past week and a half has been a wonderful time for our little family. M has been fortunate enough to have several days off of work, so we have been able to spend lots of time bonding as a family, getting to know our new little one, and adjusting to being a family of five (It feels so weird just to type that, by the way — FIVE! We have THREE children! Surreal!).

Anyway, I have plans to write about her labor/birth (preview: in my mind, baby N will forever be associated with the show Survivor-Man) and perhaps even her name…and no, though I am far behind, I have not given up on my Project 365 (trust me, I have at least a picture a day for the last couple weeks!) . I will catch up in due time. But not now. For now I am keeping plenty busy catching up with life,  and just enjoying this precious little dear that currently snoozing on my chest!